
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Auburn "Family" Reunion

Today is the first day of Fall! I am ready for cooler temps and everything pumpkin!

Last weekend Chris and I were fortunate to get a weekend off together and head to Auburn! We were able to spend the weekend with some of our closest friends and family. It was a wonderful weekend full of tailgating and football. The best part of the weekend?  Emily and Jack got engaged!! Yay!! We are so happy for them and it was wonderful spending such a special day with them.

Girls Reunion! We missed those that couldn't make it! 
The Proposal! 
Finally seeing Aimee and Adam again!
With the newly engaged couple! 

Today is the last day of Chris' current  ER rotation. Next month he is going to be working really long hours but we will at least be on the same schedule. I am ready to see him for more than 10 minutes each day and have him home for dinner!

How could I forget to say that our little boy turned 4 on September 11th?! I can't believe that he is already 4…for his birthday we splurged and bought him an indestructible toy from Fluff and Tuff. He absolutely loves his new tiger! So far he hasn't torn it up so its lasted a week longer than we thought!

Jackson and his new toy! 
The next big thing on our calendar is my annual girls trip with Sarah! Sarah and I are heading to Seattle this year for a long weekend! I cannot wait to get there but between now and then we have lots of planning to do!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day Family Style

Sorry for the long break again! We have been busy trying to find a normal routine around here since I last posted! Time has flown by and not much has happened! 

Chris started residency at the beginning of July and we now have two paychecks in the family! Boy what a lovely thing that is! He is working long hours but has enjoyed his time thus far! 

I was able to switch to days at work and now work normal people hours! This has allowed me to start meeting new people and form new friendships since we are essentially starting over here in Augusta. These past few months have been tougher than expected. Not having all of our friends here has lead to some pretty lonely nights with Chris working 80 hour weeks, but things are slowly turning a corner! I know in just another month things will be even better, it just takes time. 

This past weekend, I was able to go to Atlanta with Jackson for a three day weekend and spend time with family! My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew all came to Atlanta for the weekend as well. Unfortunately, Chris couldn't join since he had to work. It was wonderful spending so much time with them. Here are a few ton of pictures from our fun weekend! 

Jackson was still enough for Tucker to pet him! 

Tucker decided he wanted to sit! 

Playing with Nanny

Showing PaPa his new toy!

Tucker and Jackson playing with the spin toy! Jackson loved to press the center down with his nose to make it spin 

Hogan even joined in on the fun!

Jackson recovering at home after returning from Atlanta. 
Chris and I will be heading to Auburn in a one week and a day! I'm not counting or anything. I cannot wait to get back and reunite with some of our closest friends for a fun filled weekend of tailgating and football!